Saint Lucia's Colourful Story

Heritage Tours, Artist and Sculptor Studios, Cathedrals and Churches
Saint Lucia's chequered history of swinging from French to British rule and back has left the island with a unique heritage, easily accessible and infinitely enjoyable through many unique tours and experiences. Depending on your particular tastes and interests, nature and heritage tours can include:

  • Military forts at Pigeon Island and La Toc Battery embody the historical impact of Saint Lucia on Europe from the 18th Century.
  • Estate houses in Dennery, Balenbouche in Laborie, and Morne Coubaril in Soufriere, evoke the complex times of British Colonialism.
  • Ancient petroglyphs carved by the Caribs and Arawaks hide in the river beds and lush thicket of the forest.
  • Indigenous species like Amazona Versicolor (The St. Lucia Parrot), the St. Lucia Whiptail and the Worm Snake can be found in many corners of the island and its offshore nature reserves, Maria Islands and Rat Island.

Pigeon Island National Landmark, to the north of the island close to Gros Islet, affords stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean on either side of the park, and beautiful historic ruins from an old Naval Fort. Other places of historical interest include

  • Fond Doux Estate, Soufriere
  • Fond Latisab Heritage Park, Babonneau
  • Balenbouche Estate, Laborie
  • Fond d’Or Nature Heritage Park, Dennery
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